Last Updated: Feb 28, 2024     Views: 305

If a student in your course posts in a discussion, “Posting for attendance purposes,” or something of that nature, this is considered a "non-qualifying" post.  Please do not delete the post.

If this happens, please email with the course number and section, the student's name, and where the post occurred in the classroom.  Please copy your ⁠Program Chair on the email as well. Keep in mind that the goal of everyone involved is to re-engage the student in the course.

Examples of non-qualifying posts could include:

  • A student stating, "posting for attendance" or "attendance"
  • Punctation only
  • A bunch of letters
  • A short, nonsensical post

Link(s) to Document(s):

  • n/a

Link(s) to Video(s):

  • n/a